Tigers Eye | Tumble


Tigers Eye Tumble

Tiger's Eye is an earthly stone of protection, courage and luck. It can help provide spiritual stability, allowing you to tap into deeper levels of your consciousness and connecting you to your inner wisdom.

It has the power to focus the mind and promote mental clarity, enabling us to resolve problems objectively.

Tiger's-eye is most well known for offering courage, it promotes centeredness, allowing you to move through experiences and situations from a more balanced state of being, whether that's fear, doubt, uncertainty, or pain, it supports you with the courage to overcome, helping to move you forward in life.

It stimulates taking action. It helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, unclouded by your emotions.

Chakra: Root. Sacral. Solar Plexus.

Self Confidence. Courage. Protection. Good Luck. Creativity. Balance.. 

Approx. 3 x 1.5 - 2cm.

Sold individually. No two crystals are the same. They are all unique in their characteristics and will be intuitively selected for you from what we have available. 

A quick message: Like crystals, we are unique. Person to person the experience will always vary. If you feel drawn to a particular stone, it will be the right one for you. The bottom line is to trust your intuition and you cannot go wrong.