Kunzite | Rough Crystal

$7.77 $11.00

Kunzite Raw Natural Crystal

Express more compassion, kindness and understanding with Kunzite. Its high vibrational energy works to open and balance the heart chakra, helping you to cultivate love, gentleness and understanding.

Kunzite is a heart healer, it helps those that have closed their hearts due to heartache or sorrow. It provides support in a gentle manner, facilitating the re-opening of the heart and  inviting mutual and loving connection into our lives. It helps those that are overly giving in their relationships to learn how to be receptive to love. 

Chakra: Heart. 

Love. Gentleness. Kindness. Peace. Self-Worth. 

Approx. 2 - 3cm x 1 - 1.5cm

Sold individually. No two crystals are the same. They are all unique in their characteristics and will be intuitively selected for you from what we have available.

A quick message: Like crystals, we are unique. Person to person the experience will always vary. If you feel drawn to a particular stone, it will be the right one for you. The bottom line is to trust your intuition and you cannot go wrong.