Empower Me | Gem and Bracelet Bundle |



Gemstone and Crystal Layer Bracelet Bundle

For those yearning for a greater flow of self-confidence and creativity. Our Empower Me Bundle includes Citrine for strength and abundance, Amethyst for higher guidance, Bloodstone for purification and good fortune. Bundle includes one of our handcrafted Strawberry Quartz Crystal Layer Bracelets, for joy, sparkle and emotional healing.


- 1x Citrine Druzy Crystal Heart Large

- 1x Amethyst Rough Stone

- 1x Bloodstone Tumble

- 1x Amethyst Chevron Tumble

- 1x Strawberry Quartz stretch bracelet with sterling silver accent bead. (Standard Size - 18cm)

What you see is what you will receive.

This bundle comes gift wrapped. If buying for someone else and you would like to give them a message with their gift. Add a note for us at check out. 🎁