Apophyllite | Cluster

$45.00 $55.00

Apophyllite has a high water content which makes it a very efficient conductor of energy and a carrier of the Akashic Record (the esoteric record of all that has occurred and will occur, including past-life information) Its presence in a room enhances the energies as it is a powerful vibrational transmitter. It creates a conscious connection between the physical and the spiritual realms. This spiritual stone enhances clear sight, stimulating intuition and enabling the future to be accessed. 

Psychologically, it promotes introspection into ones own behaviour, and the correction of imbalances or flaws that are perceived. This is a stone of truth, bringing recognition of ones true self and allowing that to be shown to the world. 

Mentally it has a calming effect. It it an effective stress reducer, releasing mental blockages and negative thought patterns. It has the effect of reducing desire. On a spiritual level it imbues universal love into analysis and decision making process so that the mind becomes attuned to the spirit. Emotionally it releases suppressed emotions. It overcomes anxiety, worries and fears. It calms apprehension and allows uncertainty to be tolerated. It calms and grounds the spirit.

Great stone for Reiki healing as it facilitates taking the patient into a deeper state of relaxation and receptiveness and at the same time takes the Healer out of the way so that the transmission of healing energy to the patient can be more pure. 

Chakra: Third Eye. Crown. Soul Star. 

Truth. Wisdom. Angels. Akasha. Energy Healing. Calming. Astral Travel. 

Approx. 7 x 8cm. (363g)

(Photos are of actual cluster)

A quick message: Like crystals, we are unique. Person to person the experience will always vary. If you feel drawn to a particular stone, it will be the right one for you. The bottom line is to trust your intuition and you cannot go wrong.