Selenite | Crystal Wand


Selenite | Wand

Selenite is the "stone of light". Known to absorb negative energy and cleanse the aura of attachments or blockages which makes it the perfect crystal for empaths. Its high vibration also makes it an excellent choice for connecting with higher realms, angels, and light. This stone is a powerful disperser and stabiliser for erratic emotions. It brings insight and clarity to the mind. 

It can be used to create a protective grid around a house, keep one near windowsills and doorways to encourage a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in. Each wand is self-cleansing. It can even recharge other crystals in your collection.

One of the most popular uses of a Selenite Wand is to cleanse your aura. Simply hold the wand in your dominant hand and start at the top of your head, moving the wand down your body in a sweeping motion. Repeat this process until you’ve cleared your entire aura. This routine should help you feel more balanced, calm, and centered.

Chakra: Third eye. Crown. 

Protection. Cleansing. Peace. Clarity. Universal Love. Light Body. 

Approx. 2 x 5cm

Sold individually. Each wand is unique in its characteristics and will be intuitively selected for you.

A quick message: Like crystals, we are unique. Person to person the experience will always vary. If you feel drawn to a particular stone, it will be the right one for you. The bottom line is to trust your intuition and you cannot go wrong.